
Honesty, transparency, innovation, social and environmental responsibility are the main values, the result of a strong and recognized cultural identity, in which Del Morino is identified.
This identity, born from the entrepreneurial style of the founders, has been gradually strengthened thanks to more than 140 years of tradition, experiences and behaviours, hence becoming one of the essential resources of the Company. Our business policy pursues a sustainable model of development, which combines economic interests with ethical, social and environmental objectives.

Valtiberina, the Tiber Valley, is the easternmost edge of Tuscany and gets its name from the historic river running through it. It is, at the same time, border and meeting point of different civilizations, Etruscan, Byzantine, Lombard and Umbrian. It is a wild and authentic Tuscany, made of fascinating sceneries, small villages and unspoilt nature.
Aware of the enormous value of our territory, we have always been inspired by the beauty and power of these places.


“Ricordo come’ ogi questo dì 6 di marzo 1474 — mi nacque un’ fanciulo mastio, posigli nome’ Michelagnolo et nacque’ in lunedì matina inanzj di 4 o 5 ore’ et nacquemj essendo io potesta di caprese’ et à caprese’ nacque..???
Copy by Michelangelo Buonarroti of the memoirs of his father Lodovico

Michelangelo Museum

The town of Caprese Michelangelo